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Man Accused of Burning Jewish Symbols Is in Police Custody

Rubin UbliesN.Y.P.D. Rubin Ublies

The suspect in this week’s hate-crime burning of a dozen Jewish doorway adornments in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, is in custody, a law enforcement official said Wednesday.

He was identified as Rubin Ublies, 35, who the police say has more than 50 prior arrests, on charges including robbery, assault, and weapons and drug possession. No information was immediately released on where and how Mr. Ublies was apprehended.

On Monday afternoon, the police said, 11 of the symbols, known as mezuzot, were damaged by fire inside 85 Taylor Street, a public-housing complex on Williamsburg’s south side. On Tuesday, another mezuza was burned a block away inside 130 Clymer Street.

Security-video stills of a man the police say burned mezuzot in a Williamsburg apartment building and whom they have identified as Rubin Ublies.N.Y.P.D. Security-video stills of a man the police say burned mezuzot in a Williamsburg apartment building and whom they have identified as Rubin Ublies.

The burnings Monday coincided with Holocaust Remembrance Day, but the police said they did not know whether the timing had anything to do with the crime. A mezuza is a small case containing a miniature scroll with verses from Deuteronomy that many Jews affix to their doorframes as a reminder of God’s presence and commandments.