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Excerpts From the Taxi Compliments File

Taxi drivers in New York City are known to generate hostility, disgust or, if particularly fortunate, indifference among New Yorkers. Rare is the case when passengers have something nice to say about cabbies. Rarer still are the people, so taken with their drivers, who call 311 to register their compliments. Yet a total of nearly 700 compliments were received by the service in 2012. The following is a sampling of some of the more unique entries, which include a story about a lost engagement ring and the offer of a gift made by a late relative:

Date Received Compliment
January 8, 1:58 p.m. Caller stated that drver behave awsome and he wants to let him know a website
January 9, 11:18 a.m. Willing to take us to Brooklyn
January 17, 10:44 a.m. Very pleasant driver. We talked baseball. I’d like to send him a St. Louis Cardinals hat. Can you provide an address where I can get the hat to him or ask him to give me an address.
February 27, 4:59 a.m. Caller would like to compliment a yellow taxi driver for exemplary interpersonal skills.
March 5, 11:16 p.m. The caller reports being picked up by a taxi driver and when the taxi was driving off he was cut off by another vehicle the taxi was forced to drive into the crosswalk to avoid an accident. The police approached the vehicle and told the driver to turn off the meter. The caller had to sit in the taxi while the police began questioning the taxi driver about the incident. The caller got out of the taxi attempted to pay the driver, however the caller did not have cash, the driver told the caller not to worry about it. She reports that the incident was not her taxi driver’s fault and that he was polite and courteous the entire time.
March 7, 12:10 p.m. Taxi driver picked up my boss on March 6th around 12 noon at 34th Street and took him to Boston shuttle at LaGuardia. He was super nice and professional; they spoke about the driver’s desire to work in the grocery business (maybe in Texas) and his family (he’s married w/a 10year old son). He also mentioned that he’s from Bangladesh. We own a grocery chain and would love to help him. When he dropped my boss off at the airport, my boss was running for his flight and therefore did not get the driver’s name or medallion #. If there’s any way that we could find this driver so that we could help him, it would be awesome!
March 9, 7:32 p.m. Sri Lankan
March 17, 7:16 p.m. Taxi driver got out of cab and scared away a potential female mugger who was asaulting me.
March 19, 11:54 a.m. Made a helpful suggestion
March 19, 6:15 p.m. Dear Sir/Madam, Please give a Special Thank You to Driver 5259628. He took 4 runners to Central Park for the NYC 2012 Half Marathon. When he saw me waiting for a taxi there were already two passengers, also runners, in the taxi. The two runners had asked the driver to stop and get me. They asked the driver to keep looking for runners as there were few taxis at that time and we could fit one more runner in the taxi. The driver told us when he spotted another runner. We asked him to stop and get her. He did. The 4 of us made it the park on time for the race. The driver was courteous and caring. The taxi driver drove carefully and we appreciated his support and good wishes for the race.
March 24, 6:47 p.m. Kevin was not only a great taxi driver but also a wonderful person who made our ride the best part of our st. patty’s day. he explained the route he’d be taking and was a genuinely kind person. He gifted us Irish flag pins at the conclusion of the trip not only for the passengers but also the other members of my family!
April 1, 1:58 p.m. Middle aged man of color. He told us he recently attended a wedding in Chicago.
April 2, 10:09 a.m. Polite
April 5, 10:52 a.m. Has signs reminding us to cover our mouths when we cough.
April 10, 9:30 a.m. At 3.00 a.m. on the morning of 9th April my son was lost and disorientated in NYC - Mr. Choudry picked up my son - realizing that my son did not know where he was or where he lived Mr. Choudry called us at home to let us know where they were (5th and 11th Manhattan) - and to ascertain where our son lived, and should he bring him him. On the trip home Mr. Choudry safely secured our son into a seat belt and watched over him the whole way to Chatham NJ. Mr. Choudry took care of our son’s personal belongings, returning them to us upon arrival at our home. This gentleman was truly an angel ensuring that our boy wasn’t wandering around Manhattan at 3.00 a.m. disorientated and upset - he took him under his wing as though he was his own child.
April 12, 7:41 p.m. Really pleasant man. Enjoyed a spirited convo about basketball and football!
April 18, 9:53 a.m. Most delightful cab ride to work ever. Offered me the newspaper and had a wonderful chat about flowers in central park. a true delight!
April 19 10:55 p.m. Although I asked to be dropped a block away from my apartment and he stopped the meter, he still insisted on driving me the rest of the way because it was dark and I was a “lady”. Very kind.
April 23, 11:49 a.m. Speaks great English
May 4, 1:36 a.m. Customer stated the driver was very polite. Customer stated after being in a previous taxi that dragged him 15ft, the driver asked him was he alright and if he needed a ride and told hime to just get into his taxi. Customer stated the driver drove him to his destination safely. Customer stated he tried to leave the driver a tip and the driver refused to take it.
June 5, 10:21 a.m. Because of gracious kindness and wisdom shown by Abe toward me and my husband concerning my mother’s recent death, may I express thanks to this human being by giving him a gift made by my late mother I need to get in touch with him, whom I know by the name Abe.
June 12, 11:01 p.m. Mr. Garth’s sunny disposition and politeness made my 730am trip to LGA less horrid. Even at this early hour he was noticieably cheerful and well mannered and made my previous night’s experience with a taxi driver a tad less nightmareish.
June 19, 4:04 p.m. On Tuesday, June 12, I hailed a cab around 30th and 8th Avenue. I had just moved to a new part of Brooklyn, Crown Heights, St. Mark’s Avenue, and did not know how to get there, by cab. And, to make matters worse, I was very, very drunk. And it was pouring out. I’m so sorry that I did not get the cab driver’s name or number. Not only was he extremely patient with me, but, when I could not find my wallet, which I did have, but was too confused to find it, he, very kindly, let it slide. Of course, the next day, I felt terrible, and tried, through CraigsList to attempt to rectify the situation, but, I guess it never occurred to him to check there, as well.
June 21, 7:34 a.m. The taxi driver stopped a major accident on the brooklyn bridge. A big commercial truck was coming on to the brooklyn bridge from brooklyn and the taxi driver cut in front of him to let him know he could not fit on the bridge. Caller feels this was amazing because the truck could have caused a major accident.
June 27, 3:48 p.m. I am sorry I did not get the driver’s name - I remembered the number from the license on his window and hope it will be enough to locate him. It was very hot and I was waiting with a super unhappy cat who had a vet visit. Driver picked me up and endured a 45 minute ride, cat howling all the way. For his extreme patience, for his taking me all the way from 8th Ave/26th St. to Sunnyside listening to howling meows all the way, for his kindess helping me with my bags and cat out of the cab, I commend him and cannot thank him enough for making my day a little easier.
July 12, 7:55 p.m. I only took info. off receipt -says trip #25805 we got to talking as I had just had shoulder surgery; he has a shoulder problem dating back to 1989 accident when drunk driver ran a red light and hit him; he has been a driver for a long time; he’s lived in Green Point, Bay Ridge, Staten Isle; he has 2 children about to graduate college; he is an all around great guy who has been driving for many years; he is a wonderful, even headed driver; fun to speak with him; I have talked with some drivers in the past who were also good guys; Abdul is as good as it gets, I think; I know there may be a long list that you get of drivers to commend etc.; I would put Abdul on that list; very knowledgeable about the city and his trade; he’s a credit to NYC
July 26, 6:12 p.m. UWS to UES. DOG CONE. The driver picked us up, I know some are hesitant with dogs. I want to apoligize, My dog just woke from surgery and road on my lap. He had an accident in the cab which I did not notice until after existing the cab. I am unsure if the seat was effected since he was on my lap. If it was I am SO VERY Sorry!
July 27, 10:58 a.m. I am in Dallas Texas. My 21 yr old daughter is doing an internship in NYC this summer. While waiting for a cab after an event she hosted she was on the phone with me when I heard her scream out, then footsteps then the phone went dead. After a panicked 30-40 minutes during which time I frantically called NYPD and NYU public safety, she calls me crying from Mr. Faiz’s phone. She had been mugged and her phone stolen. He saw her crying hysterically on the street. He picked her up, took her to the police, let her talk to me on his cell phone while he drove her to her NYU dorm, spoke to me on the phone and reassured me and then walked her into her NYU dorm and spoke with the security officers and the RA. He was an angel. He saved my daughter.
August 10, 9:39 a.m. Did NOT use his phone! Unusual!
August 14, 1:51 p.m. Lost diamond engagement ring returned. Santinder refused my cash reward saying god has provided enough. I couldn’t be more grateful
August 29, 9:39 p.m. I previously made a complaint and I was looking for a place to cancel my complaint. I realized that I may have overreacted to the situation I reported on 8/25/12. This driver gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek when I went to recheck the seat of the taxi to make sure that I did not leave anything. This caught me off guard and surprised me because I did not know if he was just being friendly or making a pass at me. This resulted in my forgetting to check the taxi seat. The next day I realized my wallet was missing. I was afraid the driver had kissed me to distract me. However, my wallet was returned to me by mail from a kind woman who found it in the taxi. I called the taxi company and they said Mr. Singh is a very nice man.
September 13, 4:06 p.m. We went to JFK (Term. 8 American Airlines) but turned out our flight was to leave from La Guardia. Driver took a number of short cuts and we made it to LGA with time to spare. He was GREAT! I’m so sorry I didn’t get his name or lic.#
October 12, 4:47 p.m. I wish to share a compliment with this driver of this Ford truck, small, for putting on their headlights at a good time before dawn. I look out there and like see so many people who forget to put on their headlights when they begin driving before the sun goes down and like the sun goes down and they are driving around areas without the lights totally like I saw a bad problem with once in Rockville Center and Lynbrook and Freeport once. Yes, I am happy that this driver of this Ford van cab really like put on his headlights I guess before travel tonight and all of that at a good time. That is good that the driver did this because the driver is being SAFE and not being stupid like drivers who forget to put on their headlights like I saw once.
October 13, 4:57 p.m. I was in Briarwood, NY today and I could not believe and LIKED how simple this NYC TLC Yellow cab driver kept his cab. Nothing really fancy on the cab just the medallion and all of the stuff was the same and all of that. Some taxis today can be really fancy, they furnish the inside and make it really fancy in there. I can see how you say some yellow taxi drivers are non NYC TLC workers. Well, this cab his Ford Crown Victoria really was just a simple cab to get into and all of that. Nothing really special. I like the simple cabs that way. A cab is just some way to get people from one location to the other under NYC TLC. That is what I think, so just make them simple. I like that.
October 16, 9:37 a.m. Such a kind and courteous man. Indulged me in a long conversation about his personal history and accomplishments in life as I asked him many questions. He is pleasant, friendly, smart, kind, and fits my description of what a hero is.
October 16, 7:31 p.m. I am writing to compliment this driver in front of me with a Ford taxi, the van for having one of those brilliant and bright new signs on his taxi. Yes, the sign on top, the brand new ones, like his 2T16, are very easy for a passenger or even a person like me outside there to read. Yes, he had it on the Belt Pkwy west yesterday on a Ford van taxi. I like the brand new signs and how they illuminate the taxi number and all of that on the taxi. With the new sign, I could read and see the taxi number completely on his Ford van taxi which is good in terms of “Off duty” and “on duty” like if you wanted to hail a taxi or something. Yes, brilliant and bright those new signs you have on taxis which look like the old, but you can tell they are new. Bright
October 27, 10:45 p.m. Wonderful taxi driver nicknamed Nikki. forgot his full real name because it’s Indian and I couldn’t understand it, but his last name is hyphenated. The second name of his last name is Nixon. He said everyone calls him Nikki. It was very early this morning, Saturday 10/27 around 3 a.m. He drove me to White Plains and we had a fabulous conversation about life and culture. I was really down in the dumps, so it helped me out a lot. He said he would give me his business card, but we both forgot. I’d really appreciate it.
November 14, 4:32 p.m. We were leaving the Javits Center and he was the only cab in sight. We waved from the upper level and he turned down another person and waited for us. He was very helpful with tips about where we were going (World Trade) and with ideas of what to do later on. We hope he and his family fared well through Sandy.
November 19, 11:54 p.m. Great guy
November 29, 8:56 p.m. gentleman
December 2, 11:36 This driver was absolutely amazing and inspiring. Not only did he know his way around the city based on landmarks, but he knew everything about the area and how long certain stores and other places have been around. He also told stories about his past that made me change my views on life a bit. Even though this cab ride must have been about 30 minutes or so, he was great. We drove from the Upper East Side to East 16 Street. This driver has already received a commending letter from the TLC, but I wanted him to have two letters. He more than deserves it. Taxi drivers like this are rare and only come once or twice in a lifetime.
December 2, 8:30 p.m. I would like to commend this driver who got out of his taxi to help a man in a wheelchair who was struggling up a ramp. It may have been just a simple gesture but it goes a long way in my eyes. He could have just kept going but he pulled his taxi over and got out and pushed the guy along his way. It’s unfortunate that you do not see these random acts of kindness often anymore. Kudos to this driver with the kind heart.
December 3, 10:00 p.m. I visited BP gas station located on W 110 Street and Frederick Douglas Blvd due to two flat tires which was done intentionally by an unknown individual(s). Mr. Singh took time out of his busy schedule to not only put air in one of the tires but put the spare on the other. He was very comforting since I was in shock and somewhat afraid since I had never experienced anything of this sort in my life. My heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Singh, I am reassured that there are still many good Samaritans in NYC.