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For New York, From Paris, With Love

Victor Kerlow

Dear Diary:

New York, in a month from now, I'm coming back to you, because I realized, after a brief affair with Paris, that you are my true love:

Because while a fresh pain au chocolat is oh so delicious, there's something about those Dunkin' Donuts breakfast sandwiches that just hits the spot.

Because even if your subway stinks, and there are rats the size of cats down there, the trains rarely break down and the workers hardly ever go on strike.

Because I prefer my overpriced latte/peppermint mocha to go, so I can stroll along and pop in and browse in stores, versus sitting at a cafe for hours nursing a cup of overpriced coffee while pretending to write in my journal.

Becau se people-watching on any street in New York is infinitely more interesting than people-watching on any street in Paris, and while the Empire State Building may not sparkle like the Eiffel Tower, it changes colors for all the important holidays, and even the non-holidays, including my faves, Halloween and St. Patrick's Day.

Because a rude New Yorker has nothing on a rude Parisian, and because the reality is, despite how cynical or jaded New Yorkers can be, they still have more heart and more joie de vivre than I've seen in the three and a half years I've lived here in Paris.

Because even at your worst, New York, you're still the best.

A Prodigal Resident

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\'Texas Chainsaw 3D\' Leads at the Box Office

A chainsaw finally pried the Hobbits out of first place at the North American box office. “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” was expected by some analysts to repeat for a fourth week as the most popular movie in the land, but “Texas Chainsaw 3D” (Lionsgate) beat projections and took in an estimated $23 million for No. 1. (“Massacre” was dropped from the title after the Colorado movie theater shootings last summer.)

Quentin Tarantino's “Django Unchained,” distributed in North America by the Weinstein Company, ended up second, selling about $20.1 million in tickets, for a two-week total of $106.4 million, according to, which compiles box-office data. “The Hobbit” (Warner Brothers) fell to third place, taking in about $17.5 million, for a four-week total of $263.8 million. “Les Misérab les” (Universal Pictures) was fourth, selling about $16.1 million in tickets, for a two-week total of $103.6 million. Rounding out the top five was “Parental Guidance” (20th Century Fox), which took in an estimated $10.1 million, for a two-week total of $52.8 million.

(2013 resolutions)

Illustration: The New York Times; Photos: Michael Kolomatsky and Tony Cenicola/The New York Times “I wish my cat would get a job.” -Margaret Diehl, N.Y.C.

City Room put a twist on a New Year's tradition, asking readers to propose resolutions for their loved ones to make. The responses were by turns sweet, cutting and flat-out weird. Here are some of our favorites.

Please quit smoking. I'm proud of you for trying and cutting back. I need you to be alive for a long time!
-Breuk, Brooklyn< /p>

For my husband to stop kicking the can down the road and get moving on this legal separation agreement already!
-kanecamp, mid-coast Maine

Never change who you are. I love you!
-Mrs. Chips Ahoy, NYC

I wish my cat would get a job.
-Margaret Diehl, NYC

Having a stronger relationship with The Lord and the fear of God since that ‘s the beginning of wisdom.
-Yves Domond, Roselle, New Jersey

For my parents to take more days off from work! They don't have to work so much!
-George, Mayaguez, PR

Finish that novel!
-Khanh, Los Angeles

For a certain cousin of mine to use his turn signal when changing lanes while driving.
-asrothzeid, brooklyn

I would like my loved one to put the caps back on say the toothpaste. I feel it is a metaphor for life.
-Sheeba, bklyn

I wish my children and grandchildren would learn to value my senior thoughts and wishes.
-KLM, Sou t Texas

Read a book. Not some books…a book. (Still love him though)
-patty, Detroit

Try to be more like me!

For my friend to stop trying to set me up on dates with my customers. Please.
-Sanderson, Eastern CT

My loved one loves to buy from deal of the day websites. Enough said.?
-Meighan, Rye, ny

Control your temper.
-Cassandra, Los Angeles

Love more, judge less.
-sruran4, Suburbs, NYC

All loved ones should resolve not to suggest to others how they can improve themselves.
-Siobhan, New York