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Van Cliburn, My Nemesis

Van Cliburn won the International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow in 1958.Courtesy of Van Cliburn Foundation, via Associated Press Van Cliburn won the International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow in 1958.

Dear Diary:

One of the residual scars from growing up in the ’50s and ’60s was the parental reproach, “Why can’t you be more like…”

I have no doubt the comparison was well meaning, but often enough it had the opposite effect. Of course I resented the well-behaved older sister Geraldine!; be damned the straight-A’s (pimply faced) Michael Portnoy from down the block! But these weren’t the worst, no sir! My nemeses were Van Cliburn … and Joey Parsky.

I took no comfort at the news of the great pianist’s death (“…why can’t you play Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 like Van Cliburn”). But he was always paired with that other do-gooder, Golden Boy, the dreaded Joey Parsky, who took his grandmother to temple, took the garbage out to the curb, and took prizes in debate and science.

I should tell you there’s no comeuppance for Joey Parsky, who went on to be an attorney, married, had nice kids and led, presumably, a very good life. He also, years later, won the Massachusetts State Lottery, which prompted my own grandmother, on her deathbed, to say, “Why can’t YOU do that”

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