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Backup Cat Out of ‘Breakfast’

Montie, backstage.Chang W. Lee/The New York Times Montie, backstage.

Even as “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” prepared to open on Broadway Wednesday night, one cat was out of the bag â€" or at least, out of a job. The main cat understudy, Montie, a black-and-white male, has been fired for being, well, difficult. He didn’t follow stage directions.

“Cats do have nine lives,” Rick Miramontez, the publicist, said in a statement. “While there are others who are joining the production as understudies and covers, Montie will remain at the theater indefinitely.”

Montie is staying because his owner is Babette Corelli, who has been training cats for the show and helped with casting. Such are pet politics.

Meanwhile the star cat, Vito Vincent, is now negotiating â€" through his owner â€" for a nightly car and driver, The New York Post reported.

Montie will be replaced by Moo. The cat dressing room has bouquets of flowers and wrapped packages with dozens of cans of cat food as opening-night gifts.

Vito â€" a plump, ginger-colored male whose card lists him as “Talent” â€" as well as Montie are expected to paw the red carpet at tonight’s opening. “The company looks forward to celebrating with them tonight,” Mr. Miramontez said.