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Michelle Shocked Says Comments on Gay Marriage Were Misunderstood

At least ten clubs and music halls have canceled concerts by Michelle Shocked since she went on an anti-gay tirade during a show in San Francisco on Sunday night.

Late Tuesday, her publicist distributed a letter from the singer in which she said she had been misunderstood. During the show, she reportedly warned that a court decision overturning California’s Proposition 8 and thus reinstating gay marriage would bring about the apocalypse. In the open letter, she apologized for not expressing herself as clearly as she should.

“My view of homosexualty has changed not one iota,” she said, according to Buzzfeed. “I judge not. And my statement equating repeal of Prop 8 with the coming of the End Times was neither literal nor ironic: it was a description of how some folks - not me - feel about gay marriage.”

Michelle Shocked also denied she had said God hates homosexuals. “I said that some of his followers believe that,” she said.