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Book Review Podcast: The Bully Problem

Gabriella Giandelli

This week in The New York Times Book Revie, Andrew Solomon reviews “Sticks and Stones,” Emily Bazelon’s new book about bullied children and how to contain or prevent such harm. Mr. Solomon writes:

If charity begins at home, then so, too, does brutality: at home and early, and Bazelon looks for the seeds of troubling behavior in the home lives of bullies. She is taken with the work of Dan Olweus, the grand old man of anti-bullying theory and practice, whose programs target the school, the classroom and the individual. She describes a headmaster who was able to transform the climate at his school largely through charisma, will and the methodology proposed by George Sugai, who believes that positive rewards given to students for positive social skills may be just as effective as punishment for those who are out of line.

On this week’s podcast, Ms. Bazelon talks about “Sticks and Stone! s”; Phillip Lopate discusses the craft of essay writing; and Gregory Cowles has best-seller news. Sam Tanenhaus is the host.