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Kids Draw the News: Bus Strike Comic Strip

“A news comic about the school bus strike” â€" Kwame, 10, East Harlem. Click to enlarge.

It is Day 3 of the New York City school bus drivers strike, and while there are no signs of it being settled soon, there is one small upside: it is providing fodder for the young artist-journalists who drive Kids Draw the News.

Kwame, age 10, of East Halem, did an entire six-panel comic strip (see above), which lays out the issues clearly, though a journalism watchdog group might say he tilts slightly toward the drivers’ union’s point of view.

Nate, 7, and Teddy, 10, also sent in their renditions.

“The strike is bad for families that work until the evening, because they have to do a lot of work. But I am happy that my mom and dad are taking me to school.” â€" Nate, 7, Manhattan
“I wanted to be respectful to both sides so I tried to think of something they could agree on and incorporate that in my picture.” â€" Teddy, 10, Manhattan

We’re still taking submissions, though, for a slide show. Perhaps your kid can draw one while on that long bus-less trip to school.

(And don’t forget â€" you can also draw Miss America in Brooklyn. Read about that assignment here.)

To submit drawings by children 1 years of age and under, follow the instructions here: Submit Artwork Â'