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A Photograph Changes a Child\'s Life in Bhopal


Nearly three years ago, Alex Masi took a photograph of a little girl in Bhopal, that earned him the Photographers Giving Back Award - “a sum of $5,000 that went directly to the child, Poonam Jatev, and her family,” Kerri Macdonald wrote in the Lens blog of The New York Times.

“It changed her life,” Ms. Macdonald wrote.

“What I wanted to do was to find a long-term way where I could show the people outside what happens to this family,” Mr. Masi, born in Italy, told the Lens blog.

Today, Poonam “is a wide-eyed 8-year-old with a toothy grin,” Ms. Macdonald wrote. She just started her third year of school and aspires to be a teacher.

Mr. Masi believes he's been given a rare opportunity to show what it is like to grow up in Bhopal, a process he is documenting on his blog, “A Better Tomorrow: Poonam's Tale of Hope in Bhopal.”

He intends to r eturn to Bhopal often for at least the next 10 years. The result will be Poonam's coming-of-age story, set in a period of change in Bhopal, where a German company is making a deal with the Indian government to airlift hundreds of tons of toxic material from a manufacturing plant that leaked 40 tons of methyl isocynate gas in December 1984. (Thousands of tons of contaminated ground will remain.)

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