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The Tweets of Melissa Mark-Viverito

Melissa Mark-Viverito, the City Council speaker, on Thursday.Ashley Gilbertson for The New York Times Melissa Mark-Viverito, the City Council speaker, on Thursday.

Little has been known publicly about Melissa Mark-Viverito, but as Kate Taylor reports, the City Council speaker provides glimpses into her life and personality through frequent posts on Twitter.

Ms. Mark-Viverito’s Twitter account, @MMViverito, has been active since Dec. 1, 2009.

In an interview with Ms. Taylor, Ms. Mark-Viverito said that over time, Twitter became like a public journal, and like a friend. The speaker shares bits of her personal life:

A quick primer for the Twitter rookies: When she uses the @ symbol, she’s linking to someone else’s account. When she uses the # symbol, she’s categorizing based on topic. Sometimes she quotes someone else’s tweet by writing “RT.” When you see that, everything that follows is a quote from someone else, everything written beforehand is her own commentary.

Ms. Mark-Viverito uses her Twitter account to comment on the media:

And a look into her life during the campaign for speaker:

More posts show the speaker’s eclectic and goofy side: