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The Ad Campaign: Son Says de Blasio Will Be a Mayor for All

First aired: August 8, 2013
Produced by: AKPD Message and Media
For: Bill de Blasio

Bill de Blasio, the New York City public advocate and a Democratic candidate for mayor, is running his first television advertisement of the campaign. Titled “Dante,” this 30-second ad will appear on network and cable channels across the city starting on Thursday.

“He’s the only Democrat with the guts to really break from the Bloomberg years.”

Of the top Democrats running for mayor, Mr. de Blasio is offering the most sweeping rejection of the Bloomberg era, as claimed. But he is not the sole candidate proposing an income tax increase to help pay for early childhood education and after-school programs. So is John C. Liu, the city’s comptroller.

“He’s got the boldest plan to build affordable housing.”

Mr. de Blasio based his claim of having “the boldest plan” for affordable housing in part on an April editorial in The New York Times. But that entailed taking a few liberties with the original language from The Times, which called it “perhaps the most comprehensive” proposal in the campaign.

“And he’s the only one who will end a stop-and-frisk era that unfairly targets people of color.”

On the stop-and-frisk policy, Mr. de Blasio has called for a new police commissioner and is backing two bills in the City Council intended to curb the practice. But he is not the only candidate to call for major changes in how the tactic is used.


With an early ad buy, Mr. de Blasio is putting his family out front, eager to stand apart in what is fast becoming a three-way fight with Christine C. Quinn and William C. Thompson Jr. for the Democratic nomination.

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