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A Call for the Unofficial Mayors of New York

Who's in charge here?Robert Stolarik for The New York Times Who’s in charge here?

After three terms of Michael R. Bloomberg as mayor, New York will elect in a new leader in November. But who really runs the city?

Some neighborhoods or streets have their own mayor, someone who wields influence, often without fanfare or recognition, and without pay. And these unofficial mayors help residents or members of their communities, be they geographic, religious, ethnic or virtual. Now, their time in the spotlight has come.

We are looking for a variety of unforgettable characters â€" young and old, poor and wealthy, loved and even loathed â€" to profile in photos, words and multimedia this fall. The person must be living and willing to be interviewed by The Times, and cannot hold elective office or work for the city.

Maybe it’s a fixer at your church, synagogue or mosque, or the loudmouth who runs the bocce league, or a 10-year-old community organizer who solved the rat problem on her block. Maybe it’s the head of a housing complex who went door to door with rescue workers during Hurricane Sandy or solves problems, no questions asked. Or maybe it’s just the smiley gaptoothed guy who knows everyone in the neighborhood and just his handshake on the stoop is a critical thread in the block’s fabric.

To nominate a leader in your neighborhood or community, please submit the following form.