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Ask a Transportation Officer

Next up in Metropolitan’s Q. and A. series is Pamela Elsey, 59, who as assistant chief transportation officer for New York City Transit plans whether and when your subway line will be repaired or improved.

Pamela ElseyJoshua Bright for The New York Times Pamela Elsey

Masterminding the maintenance of a system that never sleeps is a juggling act, requiring 926 people who work under her, spreadsheets and a forecasting process to distribute resources across capital projects, emergency fixes and routine upkeep.

Wondering why the R train tunnel is going offline for 15 months? What those yellow work trains really do? What’s in store for your subway line or station?

Please share your questions in the comments section below.

We will pass on the best to Ms. Elsey, with some of our own, and publish the answers next week.