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Labor Dispute Effectively Ends Minnesota Orchestra’s Season

The Minnesota Orchestra, where musicians have been locked out in a labor dispute since October, announced on Wednesday that it had canceled its concerts through June 2 - effectively, the rest of its season. At the same time, Michael Henson, the orchestra’s president and chief executive, announced a series of concerts for late July and early August, with repertory drawn from this season’s unperformed programs, saying in a statement that the concerts were added because “we are not willing to give up on our entire season.”

But those summer concerts are theoretical: throughout the season, the musicians have refused to negotiate during the lockout. Management, however, emboldened by the settlement last month of a similarly contentious labor dispute at the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, has asked the players to negotiate on May 20, 21 and 22, with the assistance of a federal mediator.

“We hope that the SPCO’s ratification of a new contract can demonstrate a way forward,” Jon Campbell, the orchestra’s chairman, said in a statement. “In that situation,  the board and musicians came together and bargained throughout a long lockout in order to reach a resolution that the community can afford. We again ask our musicians to return to negotiate in good faith so that we can do the same.”

The orchestra’s cancellation may have ramifications beyond the current season. Minneapolis newspapers have reported that Osmo Vanska, the highly regarded music director, wrote to the board last week threatening to resign if the lockout is not ended and a contract is not negotiated soon. He argued that with recording sessions planned for September, and a visit to Carnegie Hall scheduled in November, it is imperative that the orchestra resume regular rehearsals and performances by the end of this month to be prepared.

“I must make it clear,” Mr. Vanska wrote, “that in the case Carnegie Hall chooses to cancel the Minnesota Orchestra’s concerts this November, i.e. if they lose confidence in our ability to perform as a result of the extended lockout, then I will be forced to resign.”