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How Do I Get My Child Into _____

Robert SanftAlli Dunn Robert Sanft

Next up in the Metropolitan section’s Q. and A. series with New Yorkers who have behind-the-scenes jobs that keep the city running is Robert Sanft, the chief executive of the Office of Student Enrollment in the city’s Education Department.

Mr. Sanft and his team oversee the limited number of prekindergarten spots, gifted-and-talented admissions and the high school matching process, placing tens of thousands of students a year.

Wondering how to get your child into Baruch College Campus High School How G. and T. admissions really work The best address to send Mr. Sanft flowers and chocolates Share your questions in the comments box below. We’ll pass along the best to Mr. Sanft, with some of our own, and publish the answers next weekend. And if there’s another issue in the city that puzzles you, let us know and we’ll keep it in mind for future interview subjects.

(Last week, Jeffrey Tascarella, the general manager of the NoMad, answered questions about how restaurants really work.)