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Hillary Clinton Foreign Policy Book Coming Out Next Year

Former Secretary of State and possible presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton will publish a new book in 2014 about American foreign policy, her publisher, Simon & Schuster, said Thursday morning.

A news release said, “The yet-to-be titled book will use a number of dramatic moments during Secretary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State to frame her thoughts about the recent history of U.S. foreign policy and the urgent, ongoing need for American leadership in a changing world.”

Among the topics she will touch on are the killing of Osama bin Laden and the overthrow of the Qaddafi regime in Libya. Mrs. Clinton has been under siege by Republicans for her handling of the Libyan conflict, and the killings of the American ambassador and three other Americans last year in Benghazi.

The book will also address many of Mrs. Clinton’s signature topics like the critical role of protecting women and girls in developing economies and could burnish her credentials for a presidential run.

Mrs. Clinton is the author of four previous books, all published by Simon & Schuster: “It Takes a Village” (1996), “Dear Socks, Dear Buddy” (1998), “An Invitation to the White House” (2000) and “Living History” (2003).