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French Arts Festival in New York to Focus on Tunisia

This year’s World Nomads Festival, presented in May by the French Institute Alliance Française, will focus on the culture of Tunisia, where artists played a crucial role in overthrowing its authoritarian government in January 2011. Those street protests ignited demonstrations in other nations and helped usher in the Arab Spring. Marie-Monique Steckel, the president of Alliance Française, said that the festival, which runs from May 3 - June 1, will feature some of the “phenomenal artistic creativity that has emerged on the heels of the Arab Spring.” There will be art, film, photography and dance shows, an ideas forum, and a Tunisian craft market. Performing alongside his Tunisian-born father, Tsvi Bokaer, the dancer and choreographer Jonah Bokaer will present the U.S. premiere of “The Ullysses Syndrome.” Some of the country’s best-known atists, including Sonia M’Barek, Ghalia Benali, Emel Mathlouthi, will also be performing. For more information, got to