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\'Manilow on Broadway\' Opening Postponed Because of Illness

Barry Manilow.

Barry Manilow canceled the opening night of his new show on Broadway on Thursday because of a chest infection. He also postponed the shows scheduled for Friday and Saturday.

“It turns out the only thing worse than hell and high water is bronchitis,” the producers of “Manilow on Broadway” said in a statement. “Barry is deeply sorry to disappoint his fans and is doing everything he can to ensure a speedy recovery.” The show will resume scheduled performances on Tuesday, the producers said.

Bronchitis has played havoc with Mr. Manilow’s much-ballyhooed return to Broadway, his first performances there since a series of concerts in 1989. Th 69-year-old master of the pop-song idiom had to cancel a preview performance on Wednesday, and now vocal problems have compelled him to reschedule the first three shows of the limited engagement at the St. James Theater.

The Thursday, Friday and Saturday shows have been rescheduled five weeks hence, to Feb. 28, March 1 and March 2.