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Tomorrow, It Will Snow, Perfectly

The snow is expected to fall through much of the day and well into the night, forecasters say.Longwood Gardens The snow is expected to fall through much of the day and well into the night, forecasters say.

The ideal city snowstorm, meteorological Platonists say, blankets the landscape without burying it, beautifies but does not burden, transforms and cocoons without paralyzing or even particularly inconveniencing.

Such an event is expected to come our way on Saturday.

Opportunities to photograph snowflakes, as Wilson Alwyn Bentley    of Jericho, Vt., did in days of yore, will abound.Jericho Historical Society, via Associated Press Opportunities to photograph snowflakes, as Wilson Alwyn Bentley of Jericho, Vt., did in days of yore, will abound.

Flakes should begin falling around 11 a.m., as a low pressure system passes south and east of the metropolitan area, giving children plenty of time to finish a hearty breakfast.

The temperature will hover in the mid-30s â€" just cold enough for the snow to safely stick, but no colder. The breeze will be sufficient to make cheeks rosy, but will not slash at the skin or penetrate down the necks of parkas.

For the better part of the day, the snow will continue â€" gently, never blinding. By the time it ceases for good shortly before midnight, two to four inches will have fallen â€" just enough, perhaps, to permit sledding.

“Definitely snowfall that can be plowed,” said Dan Hof fman, a National Weather Service meteorologist, “but definitely not crippling by any means.”

At least that's what they're forecasting. Who knows what will really happen.

The snow should be perfect for dancing.Paul Kolnik/New York City Ballet The snow should be perfect for dancing.