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The Art of Getting Bloomberg \'Super PAC\' Money

Are you a politician looking for a bit of cash from Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg's “super PAC”?

Here's a tip: Don't talk to the mayor.

In an interview this week, Mr. Bloomberg disclosed for the first time that he had rejected the entreaties of two candidates seeking his financial support after they asked him directly to spend money on their behalf.

“One of them called me and said, ‘Can't you use some of your PAC money to help me?'” the mayor recalled, sounding amused. “I said, ‘You don't understand the law, but after this call - no, I cannot!'”

The problem, Mr. Bloomberg said, is that federal rules prohibit super PACs from coordinating directly with campaigns. Supporting a candidate after an overt solicitation, the mayor believed, would be a violation of the law.

Another candidate, who enlisted a mutual friend to approach Mr. Bloomberg at a dinner, was also turned away. (The mayor declined to identi fy the politicians. “Don't ask who,” he said, “because I won't tell you.”)

The funny part, Mr. Bloomberg added, was that the politicians would have received his support had they simply kept their mouths shut.

“We were going to, in both of these cases, give them money!” the mayor said, incredulously.

There are strict rules governing the conduct of super PACs, although many campaign-finance experts believe the laws can be easily circumvented. Political satirists had a field day this year when the presidential candidates insisted they were not coordinating with super PACs run by former aides and trusted advisers.

Mr. Bloomberg, who often presents himself as above the political fray, could not resist a dig at fellow financial benefactors.

“I don't know what other people do with PACs; my assumption is they would never pay attention to these rules,” he said. “But we follow the rules.”