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Pompidou Center Reaches Across Atlantic for a Curator

French museums like the Louvre and the Pompidou Center seem to like all things American. The Louvre commissioned Cy Twombly to create a 3,750-square-foot ceiling for its Salle des Bronzes, which was unveiled two years ago next door to a ceiling triptych created more than half a century before by Georges Braque.

And the Pompidou Center is so eager to have someone in New York keeping the Paris curators up to speed on the contemporary art scene it has hired Sylvia Chivaratanond to be its first adjunct curator based in New York to help develop the museum's expanding programs of acquiring and seeking donations of American art.

Ms. Chivaratanond, an independent curator, has worked on projects at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago and the Tate in London. She also happens to be the wife of Philippe Vergne, director of the Dia Art Foundation.