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In Performance: Aasif Mandvi of \'Disgraced\'

We're excited to introduce “In Performance,” a regular theater video series, that kicks off this week with Aasif Mandvi in a scene from Ayad Akhtar's “Disgraced,” now at the Claire Tow Theater at Lincoln Center. “In Performance,” which features actors performing monologues and songs from their current shows, has only a few simple rules: Scenes are about two minutes long. The actors wear street clothes and no makeup. And, of course, they keep their language clean.

In “Disgraced,” Mr. Mandvi (of “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart”) plays Amir Kapoor, a corporate lawyer who lives with his wife, Emily (Heidi Armbruster), on the Upper East Side of New York. Here Amir tells Emily about a not-so-subtle episode of racial profiling at the tony law firm where he's expecting to be made a partner.

Over the next few weeks watch for performances by Shuler Hen sley (“The Whale”), Michael Learned (“The Outgoing Tide”), Jackie Hoffman (“A Chanukah Carol”) and others.