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Cuomo Spokesman Joins Public Affairs Firm

ALBANY - Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's former communications director, Rich Bamberger, has landed a new job.

Mr. Bamberger, who left Mr. Cuomo's office earlier this month, will join M Public Affairs, a New York and New Jersey firm that is a subsidiary of ASGK Public Strategies, the Chicago-based company that David Axelrod, President Obama's political strategist, helped to found.

Mr. Bamberger will serve as managing director and plans primarily to work with corporate clients. The firm is led by Maggie Moran, who was a senior adviser on Mr. Cuomo's 2010 campaign for governor.

“I look forward to using the skills I first developed as a journalist and later refined in government to serve the clients of M Public Affairs,” Mr. Bamberger said in a statement.

Mr. Bamberger began as Mr. Cuomo's communications director in 2008, when Mr. Cuomo was attorney general, and moved with Mr. Cuomo to the governor's office in 2011.

Mr. Bamberger was previously a tele vision producer who served as managing editor of WCBS-TV in New York City and “Inside Edition.”