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ICYMI: Why Apple and IBM make not-so-strange bedfellows

Most people understand why IBM wants to pal around with Apple and support all those iPads and iPhones flowing into the enterprise. But the deal also would have also given Steve Jobs era Apple a chance to claim victory over a long-time nemesis. And it gives us a chance to run this not-at-all-posed photograph of Ginni Rometty and Tim Cook again.

IBM CEO Ginni Rometty and Apple CEO Tim Cook taking a casual stroll.

IBM CEO Ginni Rometty and Apple CEO Tim Cook taking a casual stroll.

Check out this week’s show to hear what Dan Lyons, aka Fake Steve Jobs, has to say about that deal and a raft of other topics. Lyons has decamped to Hollywood, well actually Culver City, to help write Season 2 of HBO’s hit Silicon Valley. He also weighs in on the parallels between a new TV show scrapping for funding and survival is very much like a Valley startup. (And if you want to know whether FSJ will make a comeback, you need to listen.)

And we also hash out why cutting jobs at Microsoft is a necessary evil.  (Microsoft announced the layoffs hit hours after we spoke.)



Hosts: Barb Darrow and Derrick Harris

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