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Readers Share Their Memories of 50 Years Ago in Queens

Lisa Keston Danielpour, 51, of Beachwood, Ohio, remembers her grandfather treating her and her cousin to ice cream at the 1964 New York World's Fair.Robert KestonLisa Keston Danielpour, 51, of Beachwood, Ohio, remembers her grandfather treating her and her cousin to ice cream at the 1964 New York World’s Fair.

For the 50th anniversary of the opening of the 1964 New York World’s Fair, we asked readers to share their memories and photographs from their visits to the fair. Here is an edited sampling of memories and photographs submitted by readers.

As I was only 4 years old when my family visited the World’s Fair, my memories are less than vivid. What I do recall was going through the “Small World” ride. It was terrifying! The music was muffled, and I barely recall seeing anything. I’m sure I kept my eyes closed throughout the ride, and whenever I opened them, I caught glimpses of the scary moving objects. I could not get out of that ride soon enough.
â€" Amy Lee, 52, Manhattan

The G.E. Pavilion had a wonderful program that featured a “family” that benefited from the changes wrought by new electrical appliances through the decades. But the G.E. site also had a demonstration of nuclear fusion, which was held in a special hall and featured a loud report which scared the wits out of me.
â€" Thomas H. Alton, 56, Philadelphia

I was 12 in 1965 and I convinced my parents to let me go “alone” with my friend Ronald. Our biggest excitement: refillable soda at the Pepsi-Cola Pavilion. Endless soda, which I never before then experienced. Cup after cup. Heaven in Queens!
â€" Gene Russianoff, 60, Brooklyn

My family plus my Aunt Mary attended the fair one early spring day. My brother and I and my aunt went off in one direction and my parents another. From what I recall, we planned on meeting later by one of the Brass Rail restaurants. Anyway we went on the Swiss Sky Ride instead of walking back. My aunt grabbed my hand; she was so scared she nearly broke my fingers.
â€" Jon Berger, 58, Queens

What impressed me the most at the time â€" a memory that is still filled with color and excitement in my mind â€" was seeing real El Greco paintings in the Spanish pavilion. Somehow the El Greco sighting made me feel like the equal of anyone â€" I wasn’t relegated to merely reading about the important things in the world; I could experience them firsthand. I was 17 but I was having adult experiences!
â€" Judith Vanderkay, 66, Brookline, Mass.

I lived across the street from the fair and I visited many, many times â€" often by climbing the fence. On many occasions I would hop the fence to hear a performance by the great Paul Lavalle and his Cities Service Band of America. I thought he was the greatest person that ever conducted a concert band. He was a great musician and showman. He so influenced me that I spent my entire career as a music educator and band director.
â€" Andy Isca, 62, Grayson, La.

The animatronic Abe Lincoln and the way he spoke and moved intrigued me. I could not figure out how he could still be alive and talking to me.
â€" Cheryl Jacobs, 55, Columbus, Ohio