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Subway Train Rankings by Riders

The L train is the only lettered line with the countdown clocks. What makes your preferred train stand apart?Todd Heisler/The New York Times The L train is the only lettered line with the countdown clocks. What makes your preferred train stand apart?

The L train was named the cleanest of all subway lines by the Straphangers Campaign, a rider advocacy group. Cars on the D line earned the dirtiest mark, according to the 2013 unscientific survey. In case you’re curious about the method behind the rankings, cars were rated as clean if they were essentially dirt-free or had “light dirt.”

But not all L train riders agree with the praise heaped on the L train line, or the letter of shame given to the D line.

Regardless of rankings, our go-to subway lines have become an essential part of our daily routine. We depend on certain trains, and in some cases, as The Times’s Matt Flegenheimer writes, a train line becomes a part of our neighborhood identity, like the L train has for some Brooklyn riders.

Subway lines can create the same fervor as college basketball teams: We can laugh about the problems with our favorite team, but others can’t do the same. So, in the spirit of bragging rights, tell us why your favorite train line deserves star recognition.