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Words of Praise for the City’s Sanitation Chief

It was always a rather thankless position, but with the addition of social media and tweeted complaints of unpaved streets amplifying New York’s renowned impatience, the position of sanitation commissioner comes with a new job requirement: extra thick skin.

John J. DohertyNicole Bengiveno/The New York Times John J. Doherty

It’s been especially difficult for John J. Doherty, New York’s longest-serving sanitation commissioner, who is facing an unexpected end-of-career test as New York has been pounded by four snowstorms already, with a fifth looming on the horizon this weekend.

Yet readers took to the comments section of today’s article on Mr. Doherty to offer thanks, praise and a few pot shots at Mayor Bill de Blasio, who some feel has been less than gracious to his commissioner.

The following are a few of our favorite comments.

Mr. Doherty’s shoes, or rather boots, will be hard to fill. He has an established record of success over many years, with some admitted bumps in the road. I hope the we can look back on our new Mayor’s tenure years from now and say the same about Mr. de Blasio.
â€" Jack Percelay, New York, NY

The man stays on at the request of the mayor and the mayor has nothing nice to say about him when he’s operating under the worst of conditions.

This reflects poorly on whom?
â€"fraenkelfred, Miami, Florida

Let no good deed go unpunished. A man comes out of retirement in order to help, stays on to enable an orderly transition, and then gets pilloried for his efforts. Sounds like we could use a few more people like Mr D. in the City Government. Thanks Mr. Doherty for serving the City so tirelessly for so many decades & enjoy your long overdue retirement.
â€" rjd, nyc

We have snowstorm upon snowstorm and everyone expects the streets to be magically clean, always, no matter what. It’s just not possible.

â€" Smotri, New York, New York

Mr. Doherty deserves a medal, chocolate and roses. He and his team are doing a great job. New Yorkers should be grateful to have such a dedicated commissioner.
â€" Sherrie, New York, NY

It’s winter! It’s his job!! It’s been a rough winter for a lot of us!!! Besides spring is next, and next winter will come, when he’ll hopefully be enjoying his retirement!!!
â€" Counter Measures, Old Borough Park, NY