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Special Delivery in SoHo

Dear Diary:

Our regular route through SoHo takes us down Thompson Street, which is constantly plagued with cars, trucks and delivery vans parked on both sides.

This week we found ourselves stuck behind at least a half-dozen vehicles for what seemed like an eternity. As a line formed behind us, frustrated drivers got out to see what was going on. The culprit: An oil tanker, stopped in the middle of the road, was making its delivery.

Suddenly a young woman, seemingly in the very late stages of pregnancy, whizzed past us on foot and, at the top of her lungs, addressed some very choice words at the driver:

“Would you move that truck! Can’t you see I am in labor here?!”

She was successful. Not only did the traffic in front of us begin to move, but people in and out of their cars burst into applause.

As she walked past us on her way back to her vehicle, she winked at my wife with some complicity and said: “So I lied. So it worked, did it not?”

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