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Share Your Stories of Street Harassment in New York City

Let’s consider this the beginning of what we hope will be a continuing conversation.

For a coming series of articles and first-person accounts, City Room would like to hear your stories of street harassment and subway harassment.

How has harassment or the fear of harassment affected your life in New York City? Please share your stories in the comments.

Some questions to consider as you write:

How safe do you feel in New York City? Have you been harassed, and how do you define harassment? Does it occur often? How have you dealt with this? Whom did you talk to about it, if anyone? What questions do you have about safety? How have safety concerns changed how you navigate the city?

If you are uncomfortable with posting your story here, please share your experiences with us at

We will follow up with you shortly if we select you as a potential interview participant.

You can read one Brooklyn woman’s story here.