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Let My Bicycle Go

Victor Kerlow

Dear Diary:

This summer I bicycled into Manhattan from Brooklyn to meet a friend at the Soho House, and when I came out to unlock my bike and go home, I found that someone had locked their bicycle to mine.

Extremely annoyed and indignant, I left a note on the person’s bike that had made mine captive, venting my displeasure. Much later, I returned to find my bike liberated and a note with a very heartfelt apology.

Now, four months later, I bicycled from where I live in Vinegar Hill to the Brooklyn Academy of Music, to meet a friend to see a 3-D screening of “Gravity,” and after the film I find that once again, someone has locked my bike to theirs.

Another note, another apology, but I couldn’t help thinking that before this summer, all I was ever concerned about was bicycle theft. Never did I consider the threat of bicycle imprisonment.

Please, all you bicyclists, PAY ATTENTION when you lock up your bikes!

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