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Hawks’ Mystical Marathon

Johann Schumacher

For those in tune with the annual cadence of the seasons, migration is nothing less than mystical. What superficially seems random can shimmer with the kaleidoscopic diversity of evolution when more thoroughly examined.

There are many kinds of migration, but one of the most spectacular is the fall passage of hawks, which begins locally from the end of August through December.

Though the 2013 hawk migration has been meager so far, it is still in progress, and at its best it is simply spectacular.

About 14 species of hawks can be found with varying regularity in New York City and vicinity. The need to migrate sweeps up the tiny with the great, from the beautifully colored American kestrel, with its two-foot wingspan, to the majestic adult bald eagle, whose wingspan can be seven feet. Some of these species pass through on their way to southern states or other continents. Others, like rough-legged hawks, have summered in the far North and will arrive at their winter destination when they reach New York City.

Generally, larger migrants such as eagles pass through the New York City area closer to winter than do the smaller kestrels and sharp-shinned hawks. Recently, at one hawk-watch site where I spent about an hour, a dozen sharp-shinned hawks blew past â€" wind-assisted â€" on short, round-tipped wings, along with several merlins (kestrel relatives) flying as straight as arrows. To the north, an Osprey did its best imitation of a gull, soaring slowly over the Rockaway Inlet.

Though hawks can be observed in the skies above any of the five boroughs, there are several New York City locations that rival the best national observatories in sheer numbers of birds, and surrounding beauty.

The Rockaway Peninsula juts into the Atlantic Ocean from Queens, forming a narrow spit. Migrating birds concentrate here, feeding in the marshes and uplands of Jamaica Bay while preparing for an open-water crossing to New Jersey. Though still closed after Hurricane Sandy, Fort Tilden’s Battery Harris East is a historic gun emplacement and, as the highest point on the peninsula, provides a commanding view of migrating hawks with the city as a backdrop.

The eastern half of Fort Tilden, which remains open to the public, offers an excellent opportunity for hawk watching, as does nearby Jacob Riis Park.

In Brooklyn, Coney Island and Marine Park are good bets for spotting migrants, as are South Beach, Crook’s Point and the Conference House on Staten Island.

Pelham Bay Park, in the Bronx, is also a hawk magnet, especially later in the season.

Though migration is enigmatic, there is nothing mysterious about predicting a good migration day. Birds have figured out that catching a tail wind can greatly quicken their travels, requiring a fraction of the energy necessary to head into the wind or to fly unaided. So in the fall, pay attention to local weather forecasts that identify a northwest wind (that is, emanating from north and west of the city), pick up your binoculars and a field guide, and head to a park for a view of this annual spectacle.