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Your Experiences in New York’s Work World

Staff members at LinkedIn, a social network for professionals, working from their office in the Empire State Building.Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times Staff members at LinkedIn, a social network for professionals, working from their office in the Empire State Building.

Starting soon, I will be writing a new weekly column for The Times’s Metropolitan section focused on work, the workplace and the evolving economy in New York City. My reporting will highlight your stories and experiences, and I want to hear about the biggest changes that have taken place in your working life over the last few years as the city has struggled its way out of a historic recession.

If you’re an employer, how have shifts in the economy, changing technology and management affected you and your family? If you are looking for work, what has been the biggest challenge? Have you started hiring again or will you soon be forced to lay people off? Are you working in a dying industry or have you discovered a new niche in the economy?

Please use the form below to answer a few brief questions. Your comments and contact information will not be published, but I may follow up with you directly for an interview. Thank you, in advance, for contributing to my reporting. If you cannot view the form embedded below, you can find it online here.