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College Painters to Face Off Onstage

The gladiatorial side of the art world is usually kept under wraps, in the jockeying for prominence among artists, gallery owners and curators. But ArtBattles U wants to get the sparring out in the open. The company, which specializes in finding opportunities for student artists to show their work, is presenting what it is calling a Live Art Battle - painters create works while audiences watch - on Nov. 14 in the Marlin Room at Webster Hall, the rock club on East 11th Street.

ArtBattles U staged a similar contest at Webster Hall in April, and another in Spartanburg, S.C., in September. But it is expanding its approach. The Nov. 14 battle is open to college students in the tristate area. Four winners will be selected by the audience and will compete in the spring against winners of three other battles. One is to be held at Underground Arts in Philadelphia on Nov. 21; the other two cities have not yet been announced.

The contest will offer its student competitors marketing opportunities as well. All the work created at the battles will be available for sale, and some will be incorporated into an ArtBattles U line of iPhone, iPad, laptop and gaming console skins.