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Video: Detectives’ Killer Is Presented as a Threat in Jail

Jurors in the federal death penalty part of the trial of Ronell Wilson, a Staten Island man who was convicted of murdering two undercover police detectives, watched a dramatic video on Monday that was made inside a federal jail, showing several correction officers storming a confined recreation area to subdue Mr. Wilson, who had refused to comply with demands to leave the area.

Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn presented the video, which was made in September at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, to show that Mr. Wilson continues to be a threat, even in prison. Prosecutors are arguing that because of that danger, Mr. Wilson should be executed rather than spend the rest of his life in prison.

In the beginning of the 25-minute video, the correction officers, who had assembled to deploy a “calculated use of force,” face the camera and say which body part they intend to subdue. One officer’s job is to try one last time to persuade Mr. Wilson to comply. Another officer’s responsibility is to toss a chemical agent inside the recreation area if Mr. Wilson does not obey. A nurse is on hand to care for any injuries.

Later an officer tosses a “distraction grenade” inside the recreation area and then the officers storm inside. They place Mr. Wilson in chain restraints and walk him toward a jail cell. Mr. Wilson flashes a smile before being placed in the cell.

Mr. Wilson was sentenced to death in 2007 after a federal trial for killing the two New York police detectives, James Nemorin and Rodney J. Andrews. That sentence was vacated by an appellate court because of prosecutorial error during the trial, but the conviction was upheld. Prosecutors are now arguing again that Mr. Wilson should be executed.