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July 3: Where the Candidates Are Today

Planned events for the mayoral candidates, according to the campaigns and organizations they are affiliated with. Times are listed as scheduled but frequently change.

Joseph Burgess and Nicholas Wells contributed reporting.

Event information is listed as provided at the time of publication. Details for many of Ms. Quinn events are not released for publication.

Events by candidate


De Blasio


Group event

Bill de Blasio

11 a.m.
Joins State Senator Daniel Squadron at a news conference calling for the return of the Macy’s Fourth of July Fireworks show to the Brooklyn-Queens waterfront, afte! r five consecutive years of having the display emanating from the Hudson River side nearer to New Jersey, at Brooklyn Bridge Park.

4 p.m.
Continues gathering signatures for his petition to get on the ballot, with the Barack Obama Democratic Club and Marisol Alcantara, a district leader, in Harlem.

5:45 p.m.
Greets afternoon commuters, at the 96th Street subway station on Broadway.

William C. Thompson Jr.

2 p.m.
Accepts the endorsement of the New York City Uniform Traffic and Sanitation Enforcement Agents, outside City Hall.

8 p.m.
Watches Independence Day fireworks, from the Co-op City Little League field.

Anthony D. Weiner

12:30 p.m.
Continues his “Keys to the City” tour, with a news conference outlining his plan to lessen state control over the city,! outside ! City Hall.

Adolfo Carrión Jr.

8 a.m.
Greets morning commuters at the No. 7 train station on Elmhurst Avenue in Queens.

9 a.m.
Campaigns along Roosevelt Avenue, near 90th Street, in Queens.