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Dance Troupes to Tour Asia and South America

DanceMotion USA, a cultural diplomacy and exchange program produced by the Brooklyn Academy of Music, has selected David Dorfman Dance, Contra-Tiempo and the Mark Morris Dance Group for its fourth season.

The United States Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the academy of music recently announced the schedule for the program this year. David Dorfman Dance, from New York City, will travel to Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in April and May 2014. Contra-Tiempo, from Los Angeles, will travel to Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador in May and June. And the Brooklyn-based Mark Morris Dance Group will travel to Myanmar, Cambodia and Timor-Leste in October and November 2014.

As in the three previous seasons of the program, the dance companies are touring places were audiences would not usually have a chance to see such artists. Besides performing, the companies will hold workshops and master classes, as well as discussions about arts management and technical production with local artists and audiences. As part of the exchange, a Central Asian dance ensemble will come to this country to collaborate with David Dorfman Dance in late 2014.

In all, DanceMotion USA has visited 34 countries, with 77 performances and 328 workshops and reached more than 22,000 students and 51,000 audience members.

“DanceMotion USA has provided us with the opportunity to broaden our institutional mission and to share American dance with global audiences,” Joseph V. Melilo, the executive producer of the Brooklyn Academy of Music said in a statement. “This resonant cultural exchange program has been a successful and rewarding endeavor in its first three years. It is our honor to be working again with the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.”