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Cojocaru to Join English National Ballet

Alina Cojocaru and Johan Kobborg performing with American Ballet Theater in Andrea Mohin/The New York Times Alina Cojocaru and Johan Kobborg performing with American Ballet Theater in “Romeo and Juliet” in 2012.

LONDON â€" In early June, the Royal Ballet principals, Alina Cojocaru and Johan Kobborg, an on- and off-stage couple, shocked the dance world by announcing their departure from the Royal Ballet. Ms. Cojocaru, 32, who is considered one of the world’s great ballerinas, and Mr. Kobborg, 41, gave no indication of where they were going, and there was much speculation about which international company they might join.

It appears that the Romanian-born Ms. Cojocaru, who has been a member of the Royal Ballet since 1999, is staying in London. On Monday, English National Ballet, which is headed by another former Royal Ballet ballerina, Tamara Rojo, announced that Ms. Cojocaru would be joining as “lead principal” next season.

The move is a surprising one. English National Ballet does not have the prestige or international recognition of the Royal Ballet, or several of the other major companies with which the ballerina regularly performs. Ms. Cojocaru is also a principal with American Ballet Theater and a frequent guest artist at the Hamburg Ballet â€" until now considered a likely destination as a new home for the couple.

Ms. Cojocaru did not respond to requests for comment, but British journalists lost no time suggesting that her move to a less high-profile London-based company was a clear indication of herâ€"and Mr. Kobborg’sâ€" dissatisfaction with conditions at the Royal Ballet.

With the move, Ms. Cojocaru joins a growing band of star dancers who have shifted between companies in the last two years. Mr. Kobborg has not yet announced his plans.

The acquisition is a coup for English National Ballet and for Ms. Rojo, often posited as Ms. Cojocaru’s major rival at the Royal Ballet. Ms. Cojocaru’s presence will undoubtedly take some pressure off Ms. Rojo, who is still dancing as well as running English National Ballet, and has until now been its major box-office draw.

Ms. Cojocaru will make her debut with the company outside London, in “Le Corsaire” on October 17 at the Milton Keynes Theater, and is scheduled to perform in the company’s Christmas season of “The Nutcracker” and in a program of new ballets by Liam Scarlett, Akram Khan and Russell Maliphant in April.