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Quinn Goes to Bat for Theater Troupe Over Parking Fees

The play is apparently not the thing to catch the conscience of the New York City Department of Transportation, which has billed the Drilling Company for the parking spaces the theater troupe uses for its free Shakespeare in the Parking Lot performances, and has required the company to purchase automobile liability insurance.

But the troupe’s travails have caught the imagination of Christine C. Quinn, the City Council speaker and mayoral candidate, who said that she is determined to see that the issue costs the company nothing.

“Our office is in touch with the commissioner of DOT, Janette Sadik-Khan,” said Jamie McShane, a spokesman for Ms. Quinn. “We asked them to consider reversing course, and grant the waiver that the group has applied for.”

Mr. McShane said he did not know the outcome of that request. spokesman for the agency did not respond to an email seeking comment. But should the department refuse it, Ms. Quinn has a Plan B.

She has enlisted the aid of Jonathan Sheffer, a composer and conductor who, for a decade starting in 1995, led (and privately funded) the adventurous Eos Orchestra. These days Mr. Sheffer is an arts patron and an ex officio member of Lincoln Center’s board of directors. He has agreed to pay the company’s parking and insurance bills if the city does not relent.

The total bill is not huge: the parking spaces - eight for each performance, billed at $8 a day, or $64 a performance, will cost $1,152 for the company’s full summer run of 18 shows. The insurance brought the cost to $2,400.

Mr. Sheffer was at a memorial service for a family member and could not be reached, but left a statement with Ms. Quinn’s office.

“The City should be doin! g all that it can to encourage the creation of art at the grassroots level, not hinder it,” Mr. Sheffer said.

Ms. Quinn, in a statement, offered similar sentiments. “We need to recognize the importance of keeping the arts alive for all New Yorkers, not just a lucky few. I’m so glad to have been able to help this group. Shakespeare in the Parking Lot represents the creative spirit that fuels New York City’s innovation, energy and greatness.”

Hamilton Clancy, the artistic director of the Drilling Company, was pleasantly surprised when informed of the announcement by a reporter.

“It’s news to me,” he said. “But I’m thrilled to get the information. We, of course, welcome the support of the city, and of people like Ms. Quinn. What makes this city great is that people look out for each other, and in our communication with the DOT, we felt there was a lapse of that.”