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What\'s Your Favorite Joke From the New Season of ‘Arrested Development\'?

Jason Bateman, right, with Jeffrey Tambor in the new season of Sam Urdank for Netflix Jason Bateman, right, with Jeffrey Tambor in the new season of “Arrested Development.”

“There's always money in the banana stand.”

“You're gonna get some hop-ons.”

“I've made a huge mistake.”

Self-referential one-liners like these three uttered by various “Arrested Development” characters are some of the show's most powerful currency. Since its debut in 2003 on Fox, fans of the cult comedy have been repeating these and others like secret passwords required for admission to a select club. When a person is quick with a “banana stand” joke, it can be presumed they're a fellow traveler. It also probably doesn't hurt if the phrase is mounted in their hallway on a needlepoint.

The return of “Arrested Development” early this morning on Netflix is likely to provide new one-liners for the show's army of aficionados to repeat to one another, transform into Internet memes and print on T-shirts. The New York Times wants to know: Which jokes on the new season of “Arrested Development” will become one-liners that you can't resist using in quips at friends or writing apropos of nothing on Twitter and Facebook?

Share your favorite new “Arrested Development” one-liner in the comments section below, or send us a message on Twitter using the hashtag #TellNYT. We'll gather up some of the results and share them here in the days ahead.