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Rick Ross Apologizes for Offensive Lyrics

A day after Reebok fired him as a spokesman, the Miami rapper Rick Ross issued a statement apologizing for his lyrics on a song that seemed to condone rape, saying they are offensive, The Associated Press reported.

Mr. Ross said his rap on the Rocko song “”U.O.E.N.O.” was “offensive” and said it “does not reflect my true heart.”

In the song, Ross raps about giving a woman the drug MDMA, known as Molly or ectasy, taking her home and having sex with her without her knowledge. “For me to suggest in any way that harm and violation be brought to a woman is one of my biggest mistakes,” Mr. Ross said in the statement. He added that men who listen to his music should “know that using a substance to rob a woman of her right to make a choice is not only a crime, it’s wrong.”