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New York Producers Mull a Broadway Transfer for \'Glass Menagerie\'

The American Repertory Theater is in talks with New York producers about transferring its current revival of Tennessee Williams’s “The Glass Menagerie” to Broadway in the near future, according to a theater executive familiar with the discussions.

The production opened this month at the A.R.T. to strong reviews for the staging by Tony Award winner John Tiffany (“Once”) and the four actors, particularly Tony winner Cherry Jones as Amanda Wingfield and Zachary Quinto as her son Tom.

The executive, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the discussions were meant to be confidential, said that if a financial deal can be struck, the timing of the transfer would depend on a Broadway theater vacancy - most of the best houses are now booked for the spring nd summer - and the availability of the cast members, who include Tony nominee Celia Keenan-Bolger as Laura and Brian J. Smith as the Gentleman Caller.

The production has a narrow window for Broadway this spring. Performances end at the A.R.T. on March 17, and the play would need to open in New York by late April in order to qualify for this season’s Tony Awards. One factor complicating a spring transfer may be Mr. Quinto’s publicity schedule for his new “Star Trek” movie, in which he plays Spock; the film is set to open in May.

An A.R.T. spokeswoman, Kati Mitchell, declined on Tuesday to confirm or comment on the discussions about a possible transfer.

A.R.T. executives are talking to at least one Broadway producer, Jeffrey Richards, with whom they worked on the New York transfer last season of the Tony-winning “The Gershwins’ Porgy and Bess.” Mr. Richards declined to comment on Tuesday. He and several other theater producers and investors have been up to see the “Me! nagerie” production in Cambridge, Mass., and have expressed enthusiasm about a transfer, according to the two executives.