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Kids Draw the News: Your School Bus Strike Drawings

The Last Assignment

There is still no end in sight to the New York City school bus strike. But these three weeks with no buses have yielded a bumper crop of Kids Draw the News pictures â€" you sent in more than two dozen of them. Thanks to all who answered our call. Your pictures may be seen in the slide show that accompanies this post, and even more can be viewed here.

Active Assignments

Bonnie Skiena's unit.

The Museum of the City of ew York has an exhibit about the city’s plans for very small apartments. Recently, it invited children to design their own tiny apartments as shoebox dioramas. Here is an article about tiny apartments that will be built in New York City. Build your own shoebox apartment and submit a photo of it for our special, 3-D assignment for Kids Draw the News.

And don’t forget about your assignment to draw Mallory Hagan, the first Miss America from New York City in nearly 30 years. Here is an article about Mallory Hagan. Please draw a picture showing Miss America in Brooklyn.

To submit drawings by children 12 years of age and under, follow the instructions here: Submit Artwork Â'