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Literary Web Site Enters the E-Books Fray

As the commercial landscape for books continues to shift, a prominent literary web site, The Millions, is celebrating its 10th anniversary by getting into the publishing game.

On Tuesday, the site unveiled its first e-book, “Epic Fail: Bad Art, Viral Fame, and the History of the Worst Thing Ever,” by Mark O’Connell. The book is billed as “an exploration of the Internet-era obsession with terrible art â€" bad YouTube pop songs, Tommy Wiseau’s ‘The Room,’ and that endless stream of ‘Worst Things Ever’ that invades your inboxes, newsfeeds, and Twitter streams.”

C. Max Magee, the site’s founder and editor, said the next book published will be “a work of science journalism that investigates a mystery that for many years stumped NASA and physicists arond the world.”

“We’re sort of playing it by ear at this point,” Mr. Magee said, “but assuming all goes well with our first couple of titles, we’d love to get to the point where we were publishing several books a year.”