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Trisha Brown to Retire From Making New Work

Two new dances by the choreographer Trisha Brown to be performed at the Brooklyn Academy of Music beginning in January will be the final works of her career, a spokesperson for the Trisha Brown Dance Company said on Thursday.

Ms. Brown, 76, last performed with the company at the Joyce Theater in 2008, and has suffered health problems in recent years. But she remains the company's artistic director and “in great spirits,” according to Barbara Dufty, the company's executive director. Ms. Brown, who founded her company in SoHo in 1970, has choreographed more than 100 dances and won a number of prestigious awards, including the National Medal of Arts, and in 1991 became the first female choreographer to win a MacArthur “genius” grant.

The two new dances, both created in 2011, will have their New York premiere as part of Ms. Brown' s upcoming season at BAM, which runs from Jan. 30 to Feb. 2. “I'm going to toss my arms - if you catch them they're yours” is a collaboration with the composer Alvin Curan (who will perform live) and the artist Burt Barr. “Les Yeux et l'ame” is a set of interconnected dances adapted from Ms. Brown's version of the Baroque opera “Pygmalion,” which was first performed in 2010.

The BAM program will also include older Brown works, including a recent reconstruction of “Newark,” a 1987 collaboration with the artist Donald Judd, and the classic “Set and Reset,” (1983), a c ollaboration with Laurie Anderson and Robert Rauschenberg that celebrates the thirtieth anniversary of its own premiere at BAM.

Ms. Brown collaborated frequently with Mr. Rauschenberg, who she met at the Judson Dance Theater in the 1960s, and other visual artists over the years. She has also made many of her own drawings, some of which were exhibited at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis in a 2008 retrospective called “So That the Audience Will Not Know Whether I Have Stopped Dancing.”