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What I Thought of Rahul Gandhi\'s Visit to Kashmir


I saw Rahul Gandhi in an earlier televised speech, during which he said that he wants to hear the deep voices of Kashmiri youth and wants to solve their problems. I was a bit interested. I wanted to tell him what my heart says.

Rahul said that he wanted to construct bridges. And that exactly was the title of the conference on Friday â€" “Building Bridges.” I had thought that the young leader of India was in the Himalayan region of Kashmir to answer the questions of Kashmiri youth, to build a long bond with them, to resolve all the differences, because his speech a day before had given this impression to me.

I was at the interaction, hoping that Rahul would construct a new bridge in Kashmir - a bridge of trust that would be constructed by sincerely answering our questions, the questions for which the people of Kashmir have been seeking answers over the past six decades.

But there I came to know that he is in the valley only to promise us the economic opportunities.

I, being a youth of Kashmir, had many questions in mind. I wanted to ask Rahul Gandhi, who seemed so polite while interacting: Why did the government ban SMS services in Kashmir? Why they arrest Kashmiri youth and children under draconian laws like the Public Safety Act? Why is the Internet blocked in the valley, and, yes, why don't we feel secure in India? I wanted ask what's wrong here that people seek freedom.

When I was moving toward the conference hall, I thought many of these questions would be answered today. But I didn't get answers. I got disappointment.

All of us students were strictly told by our teachers who were accompanying us not to ask any questions related to the politics of Kashmir. We were ordered only to ask questions about jobs in “our India” for “us.” I was least interested in jobs and left quietly when the discussion ended.

I was not th e only one who left the conference with a heavy heart. There were many like me, and the bridge that Rahul wanted to build remained unconstructed. I liked Rahul's way of talking, his politeness as a leader, but I didn't get answers to my questions.

Jobs and development are not our only problem. They are all subsidiaries to a bigger problem - the Kashmir issue. Yes, we need jobs; we need development. But we also want to live like humans with a life of dignity and honor.

Like others, Rahul also praised the picturesque view of Kashmir and praised its people. But is that enough to make this relationship last long? No.

Next time when you want to make a bridge with us, Rahul - and I am sure you will have to make another try because the bridge you tried to build today collapsed even before it was built - please make sure that you hear all the voices, especially the real deep voice.

Rifat Mohidin is a 19-year-old communications student at the Government Colleg e for Women in Srinagar.