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Searching U.S. Colleges, Doubt Creeps In Amid the Confidence

Higher EducationThe Choice on India Ink

Choice LogoGuidance on American college applications for readers in India from The Times's admissions blog.

The Envelope, Please

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Sush Krishnamoorthy, a student at Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, in New Delhi, is one of eight high school seniors around the world blogging about their college searches.

Nothing can quite convey the roller coaster of emotions of applying to college - bewilderment, elation, dejection, hope, fear - as powerfully as the voices of the applicants themselves. And so, as in years past, The Choice blog has selected eight high school seniors to tell their stories throughout the new school year as part of the latest installment of a first-person series we call “The Envelope, Please.”

As their predecessors in the series have, they will invite Choice visitors into their college application process through blog posts and videos, beginning this week and continuing through May.

Jacques Steinberg, who edits The Choice, and I are especially excited about this year's group of bloggers because, for the first time, we are featuring two students from around the world.

Sush Krishnamoorthy, from New Delhi, attends Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, a private school in India. She is part of a “Choice” class that includes student-bloggers from Nairobi, Kenya; Topeka; Seattle; Rogers, Ark.; Las Vegas; New York City and Hunting Valley, Ohio.

We encourage you to follow Ms. Krishnamoorthy on The Choice on India Ink. Her first post is below. - Tanya Abrams

In fifth grade, I knew I wanted to study computer science when I grew up. My school did not offer much in that subject, so I spent my time building Web sites and silly apps on Visual Basic, and exploring random software. In high school, when I could finally take programming classes, I fell in love with programming. It was the perfect mix between art and science. I knew just what I wanted to do.

In the past three years of high school, I have been one of the few people with unwavering answers to the never-ending questions about college.

“What do you want to study?”

“Computer science.”

“Where do you want to go to college?”

“I'm applying to colleges in the United States.”

Many people found that hard to believe, for many reasons. For instance, I did not know a single soul in the United States until recently. It is halfway ac ross the world from my home in India, and a universe away from the life I have always known. Also, being the only daughter of protective parents doesn't help.

There are other factors. The colleges in which I want to apply are known for being extremely selective. Also, my family cannot afford to pay for them.

Considering these odds, I have often been subjected to discouraging talks. The acceptance rates are low. My test scores are supposedly not good enough for international students. International students do not get financial aid. Someone my neighbor knew was denied a visa.

Thankfully, the stories do not discourage me. I grew more confident when I was accepted for a selective science program this summer in New Mexico in which the costs were minimal for my parents. I learned not to take statistics too seriously.

But after that monthlong science program, I began to doubt my inclination toward science and technology. I did not want to spend my days star ing at a digital screen. But how could that be? I had dreamed of it for as long as I can remember. With college applications finally here, I am unsure of my once resolute choices.

Staring at my CommonApp profile, I think maybe I should give “linguistics and foreign languages” as my tentative, intended major. I am multilingual, I grasp new languages easily, and I want to learn more of them. That would also give me opportunity to travel the world and experience other cultures. I have always wanted to do that. Or how about journalism? I love writing and have strong opinions on current affairs.

I have never been more indecisive. Maybe “Undecided” makes sense.

Then I look at the colleges in which I want to apply. It's not easy to accommodate all of these amazing schools on my list of eight. One day, I strike a college off my list, and the next day, it's back there. I am applying to many selective colleges. What if none accept me? What if I don't get enou gh financial aid anywhere? Maybe I should consider that less selective college. But do I really want to go there? Every decision is an endless debate between dreams and reality.

I am certainly not the girl with the answers anymore. But in the next few months, I hope to rediscover those answers as I take my final steps toward college.

Ms. Krishnamoorthy, a student at Sardar Patel Vidyalaya in New Delhi, is one of eight high school seniors around the world blogging about their college searches for The Choice. To comment on what she has written here, please use the comment box below.