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For International Students, College Checklists for September

Higher Education The Choice on India Ink

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This week, The Choice published our monthly Counselor's Calendar, designed to keep students on track during the college admissions process.

We've asked Jody Sanford Sweeney, the associate director of college counseling at William Penn Charter School in Philadelphia for this month's admissions advice for juniors. Webster T. Trenchard, the director of college guidance at The Loomis Chaffee School in Windsor, Conn., offers this month's admissions advice for seniors.

What follows are excerpts that are most relevant for international students. - Tanya Abrams

Juniors: College Checklist for September

Beyond balancing the increased academic expectations of junior year with extracurricular leadership, it's hard not to notice that your senior friends are immersed in college applications. You may be wondering what your college list will look like this time next year. With months on your side, you'll be well prepared a year from now. So let's get started with these best practices.

Take the Lead

The college search is often the first time the student is in the driver's seat, so to speak. It's your turn to show initiative. Parents are there to advise and guide, but admissions officers will ultimately want to hear from you, not them. The college search is an excellent time to take the lead while establishing open lines of communication with your parents.

Research, Research, Research

Researching universities can be considered another extracurricular activity: it's time consuming, fun and occasionally overwhelming.

Favorite resources of mine include:

    • Unigo, an online guide to college admissions
  • To start your university search, consider the school's geographic location, size and the majors it offers, and also note whether it is a public or private institution, a research university or a liberal arts college. There may be other aspects that are important to you, like the school's athletic division or its offerings in the visual and performing arts; take note of those things, too.

    With over 3,000 colleges and universities in the United States, there is more than one college out there for you. With a thoughtful approach, you will find a great match.

    To stay organized, create a spreadsheet of the institutions that have caught your eye, their Web addresses and whether they meet your basic criteria. Make columns for particular attributes, and check them off. Add special on-campus admissions events dates and application deadlines for future reference.

    Connect With Admissions Offices

    High school visit appointments and reception announcements are announced on admissions Web sites and through college offices at your school. Request to be added to the mailing lists of your prospective schools. Explore admissions Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, blogs and virtual tours.

    Get to know your regional recruiter. Admissions officers travel and recruit in regions and even read applications by region. Find out who your contact is and learn where that recruiter will host off-campus receptions and conduct high school visits this fall.

    To make a positive impression, attend these events with questions. Ask specific information about majors, service opportunities, the balance of academic and social life, and the advising program. The regional representative may even put you in touch with a current student at his university.

    Add a list of recruiter contact e-mails to the spreadsheet you are creating.

    Establish a Standardized Testing Strategy

    It is important to understand what testing is expected at each of your colleges. (Another column for your spreadsheet.) Some colleges don't require testing at all, others are test optional, many require the SAT and/or the ACT, and still others expect subject tests in addition to these exams.

    Find out if your school offers the October PSAT/NMSQT, a practice standardized test that will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses. Ask whether your school provides an ACT diagnostic exam to compare tests. You may find you perform better on one or simply prefer one exam over the other.

    Sit for one of these exams before the end of your junior year. Popular test dates for my students are:

    • ACT - February or April
    • Subject Test - May or June
  • There is no testing plan that fits all. Consider your extracurricular demands now, and discuss your calendar with your parents and guidance counselor.

    - Jody Sanford Sweeney

    Seniors: College Checklist for September

    Senior year should be a meaningful, culminating experience that holds many fond memories for years to come. With good forethought and planning in September, the college selection process can become not only a manageable part of that experience but also a time of self-discovery that prepares you for the exciting opportunity that the college years can and should represent.

    Plan Your Class Schedule Carefully

    While it is true that your junior year is the most important when it comes to the college application process, the senior fall is the single most important term. Most selective colleges want to see seniors engaged in a challenging slate of classes across disciplines. Students whose transcripts say “I've worked hard enough already and have earned a break” risk looking entitled and anti-intellectual during the application review process.

    That being said, it would be imprudent to take on A.P. physics when math and science have never been your strong suits. Yes, colleges care about your senior year curriculum, but they also care about your performance. A drop-off in either the rigor of the classes or the grades earned in them can hurt your prospects.

    Scrutinize Your Academic Progress

    Of course, striking this balance is not always easy. Perhaps you have some trepidation about whether one of your classes is too hard for you. Be sure to be in early and frequent communication with your teacher, guidance or college counselor, and your parents. These people can help you to make a thoughtful, informed decision about whether a particular course is a good fit. In the meantime, consider these questions:

    • Are you learning in the class?
    • Is the course likely to get harder or get easier?
    • Are the time and effort you are putting into the course detracting from your ability to excel in your other classes?
  • The answers to these questions should help you to make a reasoned decision.

    Additionally, be aware of your school's policy regarding dropping a course or changing the level of a class; it would be unfortunate to realize that a class is too hard after you have the ability to do anything about it.

    Make an Academic Action Plan

    With so much going on in the fall of senior year, be sure to develop a plan of action for the next several months. Map out the dates that are important to you, like SAT or ACT test dates and college application deadlines.

    Don't stop there. If you have a big audition, performance or game, be sure to put those dates on your calendar. The earlier you know about an intense week full of commitments, the better you can plan for it.

    Complete the Easy Tasks Quickly

    It is not very difficult to establish a Common Application account, to ask for teacher recommendations, or to sign up for the SAT or ACT. If you haven't already done so, take care of these things right away.

    Keep Your Parents Informed

    Your parents are vested partners in your educational aspirations and want to stay in the loop. Set aside one day a week to talk to your parents about your college process and progress, and stick to that commitment. You don't want every conversation with your parents to be about college, yet it is reasonable that they would want to check in and see how you are doing.

    This post was prepared in consultation with the Association of College Counselors in Independent Schools, a membership organization.